Laser Facial

Laser Facial treatments target imperfections at the core, rather than just at surface layers and are effective because of their controlled accuracy and strength in targeting deep layers below the skin’s surface. The result is improved skin texture and reduced signs of aging.

Ask your Grand Aesthetician if a Laser Facial is right for you.

Complimentary consultations are available…813-874-7674

Here is a list of questions that are frequently asked by our clientele about laser hair removal . We hope we have provided answers to any questions that you may have, but please don’t hesitate to ask additional questions of our staff.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Facials

Facial skin treatment works by directing a beam of light to an irregularity in the skin, such as enlarged blood vessels or irregular chromophore.

This removes the abnormality without scarring or damage, while stimulating collagen production to tighten the surrounding tissue, resulting in improved skin texture and reduced signs of aging.

Unlike other treatments that remove an outer layer of skin and require significant healingtime, laser treatment works by gently penetrating the skin to destroy the underlying vessels and pigment that are the cause of the problem. The outer skin itself is not damaged.

The treatment causes only minimal discomfort and any initial soreness is easily alleviated with a cold air cooling system.

Typically several sessions are required for full-face treatment. The average treatment takes about 15 – 20 minutes. Results may be seen after the first few treatments.

The treatment can be performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of typical anesthetics or gel.

You’ll be able to return to normal activities immediately, though sunscreen should be applied as a post-treatment precaution.


Laser facial

Laser Facials

  • Pricing based on consultation…

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