Postural Evaluation analysis and developing strategy for an effective massage

Before starting any massage it is best to take time for some assessment. Whether in a dynamic or standing postural evaluation skeletal landmarks can be measured and soft tissue arrangements noted.

Combined with questions about any areas of pain, range of motion testing and palpatory examination, postural analysis sets a baseline from which changes and improvements can be measured. This keeps the client and Therapist engaged with measurables; even if the client “just want to relax.”

If it is determined that certain groups of soft tissue: fascia, muscles, their synergists and antagonists must be restored to balance and length, then the client must be put in the right position to achieve this. For example if there is a discrepancy in hip height the client might be placed into a sidelying position giving access to the QL muscle. The Psoas muscle, a major culprit of deep lower back pain, can also be lengthened from this position.

Make time for a Postural evaluation and get the most out of your massage sessions.